
NUTR 108 – Introduction to Nutrition     3 credit hours

Scientific basis of nutrition, nutrients and their functions, sources of deficiency diseases requirements and basic interrelationships of nutrients. Nutrition throughout the life cycle.
Additional Course Fee Required

NUTR 305 – Volunteer Practicum Nutrition     2 credit hours

Students will be assigned to participate in activities related to nutrition at community, hospital, university or specific sites. Credit/no credit.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00
Prerequisite: NUTR 108

NUTR 345 – Nutrition Through the Lifecycle     3 credit hours

The study and influence of normal physiological stress on nutritional requirements throughout the life cycle: pregnancy, lactation, growth and aging.
Prerequisite: NUTR 108

NUTR 355 – Food Preparation for Optimal Health     3 credit hours

This course will cover a variety of aspects associated with food preparation: the basic elements in food science and preparation, nutrition and food service. It covers the latest information on food, its science and its application in health and wellness. It provides students with a broad foundation in any of these food-related fields.
Prerequisite: NUTR 108
Additional Course Fee Required

NUTR 385 – Advanced Nutrition     3 credit hours

The study of nutrition, nutritional principles and the application of those principles across the lifespan and in various disease processes, as well as the understanding of theories and the application of necessary skills for making changes in dietary and lifestyle behaviors.
Prerequisite: NUTR 108 and NUTR 345 or NUTR 355 or permission of the instructor
Additional Course Fee Required