Finance (FIN)

FIN 126 – First Year Seminar     1 credit hour

The First-Year Seminar provides students with a multidisciplinary experience in which they approach an issue or problem from the perspective of three different academic differences. The First-Year Seminar will consist of three 1-credit hour courses taken as co-requisites in a single semester. The successful completion of all three courses satisfies the General Studies LOPER 1 course requirement. Students may take the First-Year Seminar in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Students admitted as readmit students or transfer students who transfer 18 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are exempt from taking a LOPER 1 course.

FIN 160 – Personal Money Management     3 credit hours

Fundamentals of personal finance: budgeting, banking, life insurance, accident, health, and casualty insurance, investments, taxes, and social security.

FIN 280H – Special Topics     1-3 credit hours

Total Credits Allowed: 3.00

FIN 308 – Principles of Finance     3 credit hours

Concepts of firm valuation and capital budgeting, capital structure and cost of capital, and analysis of financial statements.
Prerequisite: ACCT 251 and ECON 271

FIN 309 – Corporate Finance     3 credit hours

The study of financial management concepts with an emphasis on the theory and practical application of the investment and financing decision-making processes.
Prerequisite: FIN 308

FIN 315 – Construction Finance & Accounting     3 credit hours

Basic principles and applications of construction finance with an emphasis on the financial feasibility of a construction project and the acquisition and management of funds needed to profitably build a project. Emphasis will also be placed on construction accounting competencies necessary for business start-up, operations and expansion.
Prerequisite: ACCT 250

FIN 316 – Insurance     3 credit hours

An introduction to risk and risk management as they pertain to most types of personal insurance situations.

FIN 328 – International Financial Management     3 credit hours

Globalization and integration of financial markets present unique opportunities and unique risks for all kinds of firms and investors. This course is designed to provide students with a strong conceptual background for financial decision-making related to international corporate finance and international investing.
Prerequisite: Completion of Loper 4 General Studies Math class.

FIN 344 – Real Estate Principles     3 credit hours

A study of the general principles used in real estate decision making. Topics include economic and ethical considerations, ownership, leases, marketing finance, appraisal, investments, legal issues related to contracts, agency, licensing, discrimination, and career alternatives. This course is approved by the Nebraska Real Estate Commission.

FIN 422 – Financial Institutions     3 credit hours

The management of commercial bank and non-bank institutions with an emphasis on the lending and investing practices of these institutions.
Prerequisite: FIN 480

FIN 425 – Financial Statement Analysis     3 credit hours

This course takes an in-depth look into company financial statements and shows how information therein can be analyzed and processed to aid many individuals including creditors, investors, managers, consultants, auditors, directors, regulators and employees in their business decisions.
Prerequisite: FIN 308

FIN 475 – Finance Internship     1-15 credit hours

A work experience program planned for students preparing for employment in business and industry. The learning experience is organized and supervised by the academic department and personnel of selected industries. Must be approved by the Department.
Total Credits Allowed: 15.00
Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA and FIN 308

FIN 476 – Short-Term Financial Management     3 credit hours

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the principles and techniques of working capital analysis and management. Topics include inventory, accounts receivable and cash systems management, credit and collection systems, and payables and short-term financing analysis and management.
Prerequisite: FIN 308

FIN 480 – Investments     3 credit hours

Theory and analysis of investment vehicles including stocks, bonds and money market investments. Analysis of portfolio construction.
Prerequisite: FIN 308 and ECON 270

FIN 481 – Portfolio Management     3 credit hours

This course extends the principles of security analysis, portfolio construction, and portfolio management. The process of creating, managing, and evaluating an investment portfolio is examined through a series of lectures, quantitative projects, and experiential learning.
Prerequisite: FIN 309 and FIN 480

FIN 482 – Case Studies in Financial Management     3 credit hours

Financial analysis and decision-making using advanced case studies of business and some specialized organizations.
Prerequisite: FIN 309 and FIN 480

FIN 490 – Essentials of Financial Accounting & Corporate Finance     3 credit hours

Students study essential elements of financial accounting and corporate finance in preparation for graduate level study of finance. Concepts of financial statement composition and analysis, time value of money, capital market theories, firm valuation, capital budgeting, and capital structure are emphasized. Students taking this class should be comfortable with algebra.

FIN 499 – Special Problems in Business     1-3 credit hours

Independent investigations of business problems. Topics to be investigated may be tailored to meet the needs of the student. A case study course designed to integrate the knowledge acquired in other courses in business administration, and to emphasize analysis and decision-making. Must be approved by Department Chair.
Department Consent Required
Total Credits Allowed: 6.00