Economics (ECON)

ECON 100 – Contemporary Economic Issues     3 credit hours

This course is designed to help the student acquire an understanding of the U.S. economic system and its influence on current topics important to everyone. The objective of the course is to provide students with a general understanding of economic principles and how they are applied to issues facing the United States. (Not open to students who have previously completed ECON 270, ECON 271, or equivalent.)
Prerequisite: Enrollment not allowed if successfully completed ECON 270 or ECON 271 or equivalent.

ECON 126 – First Year Seminar     1 credit hour

The First-Year Seminar provides students with a multidisciplinary experience in which they approach an issue or problem from the perspective of three different academic differences. The First-Year Seminar will consist of three 1-credit hour courses taken as co-requisites in a single semester. The successful completion of all three courses satisfies the General Studies LOPER 1 course requirement. Students may take the First-Year Seminar in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Students admitted as readmit students or transfer students who transfer 18 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are exempt from taking a LOPER 1 course.

ECON 270 – Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics     3 credit hours

A study of the economic system of the U.S. and the underlying principles of production, labor relations, national income, prices, money and banking, and economic policy.

ECON 271 – Principles of Economics, Microeconomics     3 credit hours

This course provides students an introduction to the economic principles and theories which have been developed to explain how firms make decisions on production and input use, how consumers make purchasing decisions, and how firms and consumers interact in the marketplace under differing market conditions. The course prepares students for further study in the field of economics.

ECON 300 – Foundations of Research Methods in Economics and Business     2 credit hours

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the research process in economics and business. Students will gain experience in research methodology by developing/selecting a research topic/question, conducting a literature review, collecting data, selecting and using an appropriate analytical technique, and constructing a persuasive argument supported by theory and empirical evidence.
Prerequisite: ECON 270 and ECON 271 and either MGT 233 or STAT 241

ECON 314 – Public Finance     3 credit hours

Provides a thorough treatment of major topics relating to government expenditures and tax policies. This course will help students develop an understanding of the economic principles that are most useful in examining the government's role in the economy, particularly those principles economists have found helpful in a microeconomic analysis of tax and expenditure policies.
Prerequisite: ECON 270 or ECON 271

ECON 320 – Economic Theory, Intermediate Microeconomics     3 credit hours

Introduction to microeconomic theory regarding the determination of prices and values.
Prerequisite: ECON 271

ECON 321 – Economic Theory, Intermediate Macroeconomics     3 credit hours

Introduction to macroeconomic theory with emphasis on the determinants of income, employment and economic growth.
Prerequisite: ECON 270

ECON 322 – Money and Banking     3 credit hours

A descriptive and analytical study of the basic principles of money, banking and finance as they are related to business and public policy. A study of the creation of the nation's money supply and of the importance of monetary policies upon the performance of the economy.
Prerequisite: ECON 270

ECON 365 – Business Analytics & Decision Making     3 credit hours

This course expands on basic statistical and analytics tools so that students learn to think in terms of patterns and models, understand the value of economic and business data to gain key business insight and analyze market conditions, and learn how modeling supports decision making and can be used to evaluate the impact of choices. It covers fundamentals of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, with a focus on data visualization. Students will use and interpret economic and business data, databases, and output from analytics models.
Prerequisite: ECON 270 or ECON 271 and MGT 233 or STAT 241

ECON 380 – Tourism Economics     3 credit hours

This course features an application of economic theory to the human activities of recreation and tourism. Microeconomics, macro-economics, and economic impact analysis will be packaged so that students might synthesize then apply this information to marketing, promotion, and economic development problems.
Prerequisite: ECON 271

ECON 385 – Environmental Economics     3 credit hours

An economic analysis of the nature of pollution problems from cause to possible solutions. Critically evaluates the role of a market economy in preserving environmental quality.
Prerequisite: ECON 100 or ECON 270 or ECON 271

ECON 395 – Labor Economics     3 credit hours

This course examines the organization, functioning, and outcomes of labor markets; the decisions of prospective and present labor market participants; and the public policies relating to the employment of labor resources.
Prerequisite: ECON 271

ECON 410 – Health Care Economics     3 credit hours

An economic analysis of issues related to the provision of health care. Market issues, cost drivers, existing and proposed health care policy approaches are covered.
Prerequisite: Junior standing or above.

ECON 430 – International Economics     3 credit hours

Introduction to the international economy: the theory of international trade, the balance of payments, economic growth and financial commercial policy.
Prerequisite: ECON 100 or ECON 270 or ECON 271

ECON 445 – Industrial Organization     3 credit hours

This course is concerned with the behavior of firms and the resulting effects on market outcomes and welfare. As such it analyzes firm behavior and market structure within a single industry and discusses the challenges associated with regulation/deregulation of industries and the implementation of antitrust policy.
Prerequisite: ECON 271

ECON 465 – Economics of Transportation     3 credit hours

Nature, role and regulation of transportation, and current economic, legal and policy problems in the field of transportation.
Prerequisite: ECON 271

ECON 475 – Internship     1-12 credit hours

A work experience program planned for students preparing for employment in business and industry. The learning situation is organized and supervised cooperatively by the Economics Department and personnel of selected industries. Work experience includes an acceptable type of wage earning employment in business, manufacturing or processing industry approved by the coordinator.
Total Credits Allowed: 15.00
Prerequisite: Minimum GPA of 2.5 and ECON 270 and ECON 271 and 6 additional hours of 300 to 400 level ECON courses

ECON 485 – Senior Seminar     1 credit hour

This capstone course is designed to allow students to apply economic theory and appropriate methodology to a selected topic. Taught in a seminar style, the course will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of economics, their ability to write effectively, and their ability to communicate effectively by making a professional-level presentation using best available technology.
Prerequisite: ECON 300 and senior standing

ECON 499 – Independent Study and Research in Economics     1-6 credit hours

Individual research under the supervision of a faculty member of the department and approved by the Department Chairman. Topics to be investigated may be tailored to fit the needs of the student.
Total Credits Allowed: 18.00