Academic Requirements for Good Standing

Graduation is dependent upon a minimum GPA of 2.0, utilizing earned grades of all courses taken while pursuing an undergraduate degree. This minimum GPA must also be earned in all courses needed to fulfill competency requirements within a comprehensive major, or within the major and minor programs of study, or within the endorsement areas in teacher education programs. Individual departments, however, may require a grade of at least a "C" for courses in their majors.

Students entering any teaching program of study within the College of Education must be accepted for Teacher Education. A minimum GPA of 2.75 is required before admission to Teacher Education may be granted. To be graduated from any teacher education program and be recommended for a teaching certificate, a candidate must have met the scholarship requirements and maintain a 2.75 GPA.

Please see the Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress Policy for Undergraduate Students for information related to minimum academic standards that students must meet to be eligible or to maintain eligibility for federal and state financial aid, including grants, loans, and college work study. 


All students should maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA for work taken at this institution in order to be considered in good standing. Students are placed on academic probation at the end of any Fall or Spring semester in which their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0.

Unless special permission is granted by the student's academic advisor, students on academic probation must carry less than 16 credit hours. Offices of Counseling CareAcademic Advising and Career Development, and Loper Success Hub work individually with probationary students to help them meet their individual needs.


Students who are placed on academic probation are suspended for one academic year when the following conditions exist:

Credit Hours Attempted Prior Semester Cumulative GPA Current Semester Term GPA Current Semester Cumulative GPA Status
1-24 <2.0 <1.80 <1.80 Suspension
25-45 <2.0 <1.90 <1.90 Suspension
>=46 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Suspension

Students who are suspended may enroll for classes during the summer term.