Student Health and Counseling

Student Health and Counseling (SHC)

Conveniently located, SHC is inside the Memorial Student Affairs Building (MSAB) in the middle of UNK's campus.  The four offices under SHC are Student Health, Counseling, the Women's Center and Health Promotion office.  

Eligibility for Student Health & Counseling Services: All students enrolled in any on-campus credit hours have automatic access to Student Health and Counseling services funded through their student fees. Those taking all credit hours online can choose to opt-in for access at an affordable cost. Students are required to present a photo ID to access the services of Student Health & Counseling.

Location: Memorial Student Affairs Building (MSAB) #184

Phone: 308-865-8218


Student Health

Phone: 865-8218
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm with the exception of Wednesdays 9am-5pm.

To schedule an appointment, call 308-865-8218. Walk-ins accepted on first come, first serve basis. Scheduled appointments take priority. 

Student Health Services: Student Health is an on-campus, primary medical care clinic for students. The clinic is located in the Memorial Student Affairs Building (MSAB #184) staffed by full and part-time fully licensed and qualified nurse practitioners and registered nurses. On-campus students have automatic access to Student Health through paid fees. Any additional costs are nominal and always discussed. Some of the services

  • Evaluating and treating a wide variety of physical and mental health concerns (mental health evaluation and medication management.)
  • Minor procedures (simple sutures, removal of ingrown toenail, wound care, etc.) 
  • Physicals - This includes general wellness, well-woman (including birth control and/or pap smears as needed), sports and study abroad physicals. 
  • Prescriptions and medication management
  • Basic laboratory services
  • Allergy injections
  • Testing and treating sexually transmitted infections
  • Crutch rental
  • Vaccinations

If you have any health-related concerns, Student Health is an excellent place to start. If your needs exceed what Student Health can provide, they'll gladly point you in the right direction and help guide you to a proper referral.

Vaccinations: UNK requires that all students born after 1956 must provide the month, day, and year of two MMR (mumps, measles [rubeola], and rubella) vaccinations. Students may also prove immunity by presenting a rubeola and mumps antibody titer test result or documentation of physician-diagnosed rubeola and mumps disease. (Testing is scheduled during orientation week.) Students must be in compliance with these requirements or they will not be permitted to register for classes.

Meningitis and Influenza: The meningococcal and flu vaccines are not a UNK health requirement, however, Nebraska state law requires postsecondary institutions to provide students and parents with information related to meningococcal disease. UNK does strongly recommend students be vaccinated, especially those living in UNK housing. For more information on meningococcal disease and the dangers of meningitis, which the vaccine helps prevent, please visit these links: and

Tuberculosis Testing: It is federally required that international students and students determined to be at high risk receive tuberculosis testing at Student Health upon arrival.

Health Insurance: The University offers a student health insurance plan that is available for students who are enrolled in six or more credit hours in a degree-seeking program. Graduate students are eligible if registered for at least one credit hour in a degree-seeking program.  For information, go online: or contact UNK Student Health at 308-865-8218.  To enroll in the plan, go to and enter Kearney for the school name.

International Student Insurance: International students are required to have/purchase health insurance while studying in the U.S.  To ensure that all international students have adequate coverage while in the U.S., students are required to purchase the UNK Student Health Insurance Plan.  Please refer to this website for more information for on international student insurance coverage:


Phone: 865-8248
Emergency Crisis Phone (after business hours): 308-865-8248
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Memorial Student Affairs Building, South Hallway, Room 144

UNK Counseling provides professional mental health counseling by licensed mental health practitioners and graduate interns, intended to empower students in making healthy life choices for personal growth and academic success. The American Counseling Association Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice serve as the guide in its provision of services. Strict confidentiality is a core principle. Services include individual mental health counseling sessions, couples counseling, group counseling, substance abuse assessments and outpatient counseling, and referrals to community resources as appropriate. 

Health Promotion Office

Phone: 865-8092
Location: Memorial Student Affairs Building, South Hallway, Room 130

The Health Promotion Office is dedicated to providing engaging and educational programming on various health topics. We are committed to ensuring that students gain the necessary skills and knowledge to make safe and positive health decisions in the future. This office advises the Peer Health Educators, an official UNK student organization, this group is comprised of motivated students passionate about promoting wellness on campus.

Loper Mental Health Outreach Office

Memorial Student Affairs Building, Room 158

Phone: 308-865-8279

The Loper Mental Health Outreach Office is dedicated to creating innovative educational opportunities, events, and services to help students, staff, and faculty to understand mental health, manage stress, develop resilience, and navigate life. We focus on mental health outreach, suicide prevention, and sexual assault prevention as our three pillars to promoting health, safety, and improving the well-being of everyone on campus.