LOPER 9: Civic Competency and Engagement

DISPOSITIONAL REQUIREMENTS – Every university-educated person should have:

Civic competency and engagement (Civic competency encompasses civic knowledge; analytical skills; and participatory and involvement skills. Civic engagement encompasses motivations, attitudes, and efficacy; democratic norms and values; and participation and activities.) Courses must meet all learning outcomes.

Assessed as:

  1. Can identify issues of public or community concern and problems or challenges posed by lack of civic competency and engagement.
  2. Can gather and evaluate sufficient and reliable information about issues of public concern and have the knowledge and skills to make reasonable judgements and decisions about them
  3. Can evaluate practices and decisions for their civic consequences
  4. Can articulate the importance of community service and civic engagement to address issues of public or community concern
CJUS 102Crime, Democracy and Justice3
CSP 150Chancellor's Leadership Class3
ENG 153Democratic Vistas3
ENG 252Introduction to Literature: Western Civilization3
GEOG 323Political Geography3
HIST 176Democratic Debates3
HIST 305History of Global Public Health3
JMC 100Global Media Literacy3
KSS 202Foundations of Advocacy and Leadership in Education3
PHIL 105Philosophical Roots of American Democracy3
PSCI 110Introduction to American Politics3
PSCI 140Democracy and Global Citizenship3
PSCI 280HSpecial Topics3
SOWK 170Introduction to Social Welfare3

Designated courses with the appropriate content will satisfy one of the Broad Knowledge requirements (LOPERs 5-8) plus LOPER 9 or a Broad Knowledge requirement plus LOPER 10. A list of these courses is here.