LOPERs General Education Program

FOUNDATIONAL REQUIREMENTS – Every university-educated person should have these basic skills:

LOPER 1: First-Year Seminar
Focuses on core academic skills in selecting sources and using information
The first-year seminar is waived for students admitted as transfer students with a minimum of 18 hours of General Education coursework; transfer students and re-admit students still must fulfill the requirements of a minimum of 30 hours of General Education coursework that meets LOPERs 2-11.
LOPER 2: Writing Skills
ENG 101Introduction to Academic Writing3
ENG 102Special Topics in Academic Writing and Research3
LOPER 3: Oral Communication Skills
ITEC 290Communicating Through Technology3
SPCH 100Fundamentals of Speech Communication3
SPCH 102Special Topics in Oral Communication3
LOPER 4: Mathematics, Statistics, and Quantitative Reasoning
CYBR 101Computer Science I: Python for Analytics3
CYBR 102Computer Science I: C for Security3
CYBR 306Introduction to Predictive Modeling3
MATH 102College Algebra3
MATH 103Plane Trigonometry3
MATH 106Mathematics for Liberal Arts3
MATH 115Calculus I with Analytic Geometry5
MATH 120Finite Mathematics3
MATH 123Applied Calculus I3
MATH 230Math for Elementary Teachers I3
MGT 233Business Statistics3
STAT 235Introduction to Statistics for Social Sciences3
STAT 241Elementary Statistics3

BROAD KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS – Every university-educated person should have knowledge of a variety of disciplines:

LOPER 5: Visual or Performing Arts
ART 100Art Structure3
ART 120Art Appreciation3
ART 375Art, Activism, & Social Movements3
ART 377Scientific Study of Art3
DANC 122Dance Appreciation3
MUS 100Music Appreciation3
MUS 101American Musical Theatre3
MUS 107Introduction to Rock and Blues3
MUS 347Music History and Literature I3
MUS 348Music History and Literature II3
THEA 120Introduction to the Theatre3
LOPER 6: Humanities
ENG 235HAmerican Studies3
ENG 240HLiterary Classics of the Western World3
ENG 250Introduction to Literature: British Literature3
ENG 251Introduction to Literature: American Literature3
ENG 252Introduction to Literature: Western Civilization3
ENG 253Intro to Literature: Non-Western Civilization3
ENG 254Introduction to Literature: Special Topics3
ENG 255Introduction to Children's Literature3
ENG 260Images of Women in Literature3
ENG 280HSpecial Topics3
FREN 200Intermediate French I3
FREN 201Intermediate French II3
FREN 205Culture, Conversation, and Composition3
GERM 200Intermediate German I3
GERM 201Intermediate German II3
GERM 205Culture, Conversation and Composition3
HIST 110History of Science & Medicine3
HIST 111Nebraska in the World3
HIST 112History of Religions in the World3
HIST 176Democratic Debates3
HIST 210Western Civilization I3
HIST 211Western Civilization II3
HIST 212Non-Western World History3
HIST 215Introduction to Latin America3
HIST 230World History to 16003
HIST 231World History since 16003
HIST 250American History I3
HIST 251American History II3
HIST 305History of Global Public Health3
JAPN 200Intermediate Japanese I3
JAPN 201Intermediate Japanese II3
PHIL 100Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 120Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 125Introduction to Ethics and Health Care3
PHIL 150The Joy of Sales Resistance3
PHIL 205Social and Political Philosophy3
PHIL 209Philosophy of Mind3
PHIL 214Philosophy of Religion: Reason and Faith3
PHIL 261Philosophy of Science3
SPAN 200Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 205Culture, Conversation and Composition3
SPCH 154Cross-Cultural Communication3
LOPER 7: Social Science
CJUS 101Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJUS 380Minorities and Criminal Justice3
ECON 100Contemporary Economic Issues3
ECON 270Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics3
ECON 271Principles of Economics, Microeconomics3
FAMS 151Human Sexual Behavior3
FAMS 351Marriage and Family Relationships3
GEOG 104World Regional Geography3
GEOG 106Human Geography3
GEOG 206Geography of the United States and Canada3
PSCI 110Introduction to American Politics3
PSCI 140Democracy and Global Citizenship3
PSCI 168Introduction to International Relations3
PSCI 280HSpecial Topics3
PSY 203General Psychology3
PSY 230Human Development3
SOC 100Introduction to Sociology3
SOC 124Social Problems3
SOC 250Anthropology3
LOPER 8: Natural Science
Natural science courses may include a lab component (total hours: 3-4)
BIOL 102Environmental Biology3
BIOL 103General Biology4
BIOL 105Biology I4
BIOL 106Biology II4
BIOL 215Human Physiology4
CHEM 101Chemistry & Current Events3
CHEM 145Introductory Chemistry4
CHEM 148Introductory Chemistry for the Health Sciences4
CHEM 150Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4
CHEM 160
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 161
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry Laboratory
GEOG 101Physical Geography I: The Atmosphere4
GEOG 102Physical Geography II: The Lithosphere4
GEOG 103The Dynamic Planet: Hazards in the Environment3
GEOG 201Earth Science4
GEOG 209Meteorology3
PHYS 100
Physical Science
and Physical Science Laboratory
PHYS 107Physical Science for Elementary Teachers4
PHYS 131HNewton's Universe4
PHYS 155
Science of Sound and Music
and Science of Sound and Music Laboratory
PHYS 201Earth Science4
PHYS 203General Physics for Allied Health4
PHYS 205
General Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 209Meteorology3
PHYS 210Astronomy3
PHYS 275
General Physics I (Calculus)
and General Physics I (Calculus) Laboratory
PHYS 276
General Physics II (Calculus)
and General Physics II (Calculus) Laboratory

DISPOSITIONAL REQUIREMENTS – Every university-educated person should be prepared to lead responsible and productive lives in a democratic, multicultural society:

LOPER 9: Civic Competency and Engagement
Designated courses with the appropriate content may satisfy one of the Broad Knowledge requirements plus LOPER 9. Courses also may satisfy LOPER 9 alone.
CJUS 102Crime, Democracy and Justice3
CSP 150Chancellor's Leadership Class3
ENG 153Democratic Vistas3
ENG 252Introduction to Literature: Western Civilization3
GEOG 323Political Geography3
HIST 176Democratic Debates3
HIST 305History of Global Public Health3
JMC 100Global Media Literacy3
KSS 202Foundations of Advocacy and Leadership in Education3
PHIL 105Philosophical Roots of American Democracy3
PSCI 110Introduction to American Politics3
PSCI 140Democracy and Global Citizenship3
PSCI 280HSpecial Topics3
SOWK 170Introduction to Social Welfare3
LOPER 10: Respect for Human Diversity
Designated courses with the appropriate content may satisfy one of the Broad Knowledge requirements plus LOPER 10. Courses also may satisfy LOPER 10 alone.
ART 375Art, Activism, & Social Movements3
CJUS 370Women and Crime3
CJUS 380Minorities and Criminal Justice3
CSP 185Culture and Ethnic Identity3
DANC 122Dance Appreciation3
ENG 235HAmerican Studies3
ENG 253Intro to Literature: Non-Western Civilization3
ENG 255Introduction to Children's Literature3
ENG 260Images of Women in Literature3
ETHS 101Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
FAMS 151Human Sexual Behavior3
FREN 200Intermediate French I3
FREN 201Intermediate French II3
FREN 205Culture, Conversation, and Composition3
GEOG 104World Regional Geography3
GEOG 106Human Geography3
GEOG 206Geography of the United States and Canada3
GERM 200Intermediate German I3
GERM 201Intermediate German II3
GERM 205Culture, Conversation and Composition3
HIST 111Nebraska in the World3
HIST 112History of Religions in the World3
HIST 212Non-Western World History3
HIST 215Introduction to Latin America3
HIST 230World History to 16003
HIST 231World History since 16003
INTS 200Introduction to International Studies3
JAPN 200Intermediate Japanese I3
JAPN 201Intermediate Japanese II3
KSS 256Our Unhealthy World: Who's to Blame?3
MGT 230Managing Diversity in Organizations3
MUS 101American Musical Theatre3
MUS 107Introduction to Rock and Blues3
PSCI 168Introduction to International Relations3
SOC 369Sociology of Gender3
SOWK 420Diversity and Social Justice3
SPAN 200Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 205Culture, Conversation and Composition3
SPCH 154Cross-Cultural Communication3
SPCH 430Story Analysis: Investigating Myths and Narratives3
TE 100Teaching in a Democratic Society3
WSTD 220Women's & Gender Studies3
A student who satisfies LOPER 9 or LOPER 10 with a course that also meets another requirement will have 3 hours of elective General Education credits in the 30-31 hour program. A student who satisfies both LOPERs 9 and 10 with courses that also meet other requirements will have 6 hours of elective credits.
The student may use their ELECTIVE CREDITS (where applicable) for:
Additional coursework in LOPERs 2-10 or for LOPER 11
LOPER 11: Wellness
FIN 160Personal Money Management3
KSS 150Healthy Wealthy and Wise3
NUTR 108Introduction to Nutrition3
PSY 231Abnormal Behavior and Society3