Incomplete Removal

All course work assigned must be completed before a grade is awarded. The mark of "I" (Incomplete) is reserved for conditions in which a student has been unable, due to circumstances beyond their control, to complete the course by the end of the term. Unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the Office of the University Registrar, an incomplete must be removed within twelve calendar months. If the course work is not completed during this time then the "I" will convert to an "F" on the student's transcript and cannot be changed other than by re-registering for the course.

Extensions may be granted for one additional semester unless a shorter period is requested by the instructor.  If an extension is desired, the student must initiate a written request to exhibit extenuating circumstances beyond their control, and must make the request in advance of the twelve-month expiration. The request must be supported by a written endorsement from the course Instructor, or the department Chairperson in the absence of the Instructor, and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar prior to the expiration of the twelve-month period.

In order to ensure reasonable progress toward degree completion, students' registration is limited by the number of "I" grades they receive. Students with two "I" grades may register for six hours, or nine hours with permission of their Graduate Program Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation. Students with three "I" grades may register for three credit hours, or six hours with permission of their Graduate Program Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation. Students with four "I" grades may register for three credit hours only with permission of their Graduate Program Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovation.