Business Administration Minor

Offered by Department of Management

(Requires a major from another academic department)

Take one course from each of the following categories:
Accounting for Nonbusiness Majors
Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics
Principles of Economics, Microeconomics
Principles of Marketing
Professional Selling
Services Marketing
Digital and Social Media Marketing
Principles of Management
Small Business Management
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Elective Options
12 Additional Hours from any of the following: 112
Principles of Accounting II
Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics
Principles of Economics, Microeconomics
Personal Money Management
Managing Diversity in Organizations
Any 300-400 level course from ACCT, BSAD, ECON, FIN, MGT, MKT, or SCM 2
Total Credit Hours24

At least 6 hours must be upper-division credits (i.e., 300/400 level)


Students can select additional courses from the required area. For example, if a student takes MGT 301 to fulfill the management requirement, they could still take MGT 380 as an elective.