Organization of Graduate Studies

Organization of Graduate Studies

The University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) Graduate Faculty shall have all powers of governance of Graduate Studies at UNK, except as otherwise provided herein, or in Graduate College governance procedures approved by the Board of Regents, or in the general statutes and rules governing the University.


A.     Membership of the Graduate Faculty

All Graduate Faculty of the University of Nebraska, who are administratively assigned to the University of Nebraska at Kearney, shall comprise the UNK Graduate Faculty.

The procedures for appointments of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Nebraska are given in the "University of Nebraska Graduate College Policy Handbook."  Graduate Faculty may advise graduate students, participate in the decisions of their graduate department affecting the graduate program, supervise students working toward master's and specialist's degree candidates.  Graduate Faculty may also supervise doctoral students and vote on nominations for Graduate Faculty status.

B.     Powers of the Graduate Faculty

The powers of the Graduate Faculty shall be those outlined in section I; in particular, the Graduate Faculty shall have the power to determine its own rules of procedure, provide the regular or special meetings, and establish necessary standing and special committees.

C.     Meetings of the Graduate Faculty

1.   The UNK Graduate Faculty shall meet if called by the UNK Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation, by vote of the UNK Graduate Council, or by petition of any ten UNK Graduate Faculty members.

2.  The quorum for the purpose of conducting business at meetings of the Graduate Faculty shall be 25% of the membership.

3.  Any member of the UNK Graduate Faculty may petition to place items on the agenda for a meeting if they are presented in writing to the Dean two weeks prior to the meeting.

4.  The UNK Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation shall be responsible for recording and distributing the minutes of all meetings of the Graduate Faculty.


The University of Nebraska at Kearney Graduate Council shall serve as the policy- and decision-making body of the UNK Graduate Faculty and as an advisory body to the UNK Dean of Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation.

A.     Membership of the UNK Graduate Council

The Council shall consist of twelve elected members of the UNK Graduate Faculty, three "at large" Graduate Faculty members, and three graduate student members.

 1.  Each of the three academic colleges will elect two Graduate Faculty members from different departments.  Six additional Graduate Council members will be allocated between the colleges based on the Graduate Faculty membership of the colleges.  Each college must have at least three Graduate Faculty on Graduate Council.  Terms for elected members of the Council shall be three years and shall commence with the beginning of the Fall semester.

When a vacancy occurs and the remaining term is for one year or more, the Office of Graduate Studies & Academic Outreach will conduct an election.  If the remainder of the term is less than one year, the Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation shall fill the vacancy with a faculty members from the same College.

2.  Three additional UNK Graduate Faculty will be appointed by the UNK Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation as "at-large" members of the Graduate Council.  At-large members will represent UNK on the University of Nebraska Executive Council.

3. The graduate student members of the Council shall be selected by the UNK Graduate Student Association. In the absence of an active UNK Graduate Student Association, the UNK Dean for Graduate Studies shall appoint the members from a list of departmental nominees.  Graduate student members must be currently enrolled in a minimum of six hours and in good academic standing.  Terms for graduate student members shall be one year, commencing with the beginning of Fall Semester.

B.     Powers of the The UNK Graduate Council

The UNK Graduate Faculty has delegated to the Council its policy and decision-making powers for graduate matters, subject to review and possible override by a vote of the Graduate Faculty. Decisions of  the Council effecting change of policy and/or regulations may become effective immediately. All actions become final one month after general publication to the UNK Graduate Faculty unless a petition signed by University of Nebraska at least ten members is submitted to the UNK Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation requesting a meeting of the Graduate Faculty to discuss the action of the Council. The UNK Graduate Faculty may, after discussion of the matter, request the Dean to conduct a referendum (mail ballot) of the issue.

C.     Meetings of the UNK Graduate Council

1. The Graduate Council shall meet monthly during the academic year. In addition, the UNK Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation may call special meetings when necessary. The Dean shall draw up the agenda for each meeting and distribute it to all members of the Council and to other appropriate persons.

2. Rules of Order shall serve as the parliamentary authority for Council meetings.

3. The quorum for meetings of the Council shall be 50% of the membership of the Council.

4. Any member of the Council may place items on the agenda for a meeting.

5. The Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the Council meetings and distributing them to the members of the Council, the UNK Graduate Faculty, and other appropriate persons.


The Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation, University of Nebraska at Kearney, shall be appointed by the UNK Chancellor subject to approval by the President and the Board of Regents. The Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation shall be responsible to the Chancellor, University of Nebraska at Kearney, and to the Dean of the Graduate College, University of Nebraska, and shall be administratively responsible for the welfare of all graduate programs at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and for implementing the policies of the Board of Regents and the Graduate Faculty concerning graduate studies.

The Dean for Graduate Studies shall preside at meetings of the Graduate Faculty, University of Nebraska at Kearney, and shall be chair of the UNK Graduate Council.


Each department authorized to offer major work leading to the Master's or Specialist's degree shall have a Graduate Committee consisting of not fewer than three UNK Graduate Faculty members, one of whom is designated as chair of the Graduate Committee. In all cases, at least two-thirds of the Committee must be Graduate Faculty. Whenever possible, department chairs should not serve on Graduate Committees.

Membership of the Graduate Committee is recommended by the administrative unit through its department chair or program director, for appointment by the Dean for Graduate Studies & Academic Innovation, University of Nebraska at Kearney (on behalf of the Dean of the Graduate College). Graduate Committees are responsible for the general supervision of graduate work in their administrative units.


Policies, procedures, rules, and regulations previously in effect relating to University of Nebraska at Kearney graduate programs and not superseded or rendered void by this document, or by policies of the University of Nebraska Graduate College, shall remain in effect upon its adoption. The actions of the University of Nebraska at Kearney Graduate Council and the UNK Graduate Faculty shall not supersede the Rules and Regulations nor actions of the University-wide Graduate Faculty or the Executive Graduate Council. Approved by the KSC/UNK Graduate Council November 8, 1990, the Executive Graduate Council January 17, 1991, and by the Board of Regents March 16, 1991. Revisions approved by the UNK Graduate Council on March 8, 2018.

1. Business and Technology: Accounting, Finance, and Economics; Cyber Systems; Industrial Technology; Management; Marketing, Agribusiness, and Supply Chain Management.

2. Education: Communication Disorders; Counseling, School Psychology and Family Science; Educational Administration; Kinesiology and Sports Sciences; and Teacher Education.

3. Arts and Sciences: Art and Design; Biology; Chemistry; Communication; Criminal Justice; English; Geography and Earth Science; History; Mathematics and Statistics; Modern Languages; Music, Theatre, and Dance; Physics and Astronomy; Philosophy; Social Work and Sociology.