Pre-Public Health

Offered by Health Science Programs

The Pre-Public Health Program prepares students to pursue a Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH) at the more than 100 accredited programs across the country, including the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Creighton University.  Students interested in pursuing a master’s degree or graduate program in public health must have successfully completed a bachelor's degree. Therefore, students pursuing a pre-public health curriculum are expected to choose a major so that they can be working towards a bachelor’s degree concurrently with the pre-public health program. Given the interdisciplinary nature of public health, a wide variety of majors provide appropriate preparation.  A Minor in Public Health is available at UNK and can complement any major.  The minor is not required as part of the Pre-Public Health Program but will provide a strong foundation of public health-related coursework.

Requirements for Graduate Education in Public Health:    

Students should consult each school of public health they plan to apply to determine if there is specific coursework required for admission. These requirements may vary widely by degree type and/or concentration. Concentration areas that are quantitative in nature typically require specific math and science courses in areas such as statistics, calculus, biology, chemistry, and physics.  Students should consult with their public health advisor regarding graduate admission requirements based on concentration area of interest.             

Recommended Courses: 

While many public health graduate programs do not have specific prerequisites, the following courses may assist students in gaining a background in public health areas of study. This is not an all-inclusive list, as many other classes also exist that have relevant information for public health. Some of these classes may have prerequisites. Please consult your pre-public health advisor for recommendations based on your area(s) of interest.

Take all of the following:
BIOL 110Introduction to Epidemiology3
HSCI 140Introduction to Public Health3
HSCI 320Global Health3
MGT 450Population Health Management: Systems and Policies3
Take one of the following:3
Business Statistics
Behavioral Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Other Recommended Electives:
MATH 115Calculus I with Analytic Geometry5
MATH 202Calculus II with Analytic Geometry5
MATH 260Calculus III5
MATH 305Differential Equations3
Environmental and Occupational Health:
BIOL 102Environmental Biology3
CHEM 148Introductory Chemistry for the Health Sciences4
GEOG 305Environmental Conservation3
BIOL 211Human Microbiology4
BIOL 440Infectious Diseases3
GEOG 418Working with GIScience and Spatial Analysis3
Health Promotion
NUTR 108Introduction to Nutrition3
KSS 150Healthy Wealthy and Wise3
KSS 329Introduction to Health Promotion3
PSY 440Health Psychology3
SOC 275Social Psychology3
SOC 462Sociology of Health and Illness3
SOWK 170Introduction to Social Welfare3
SPCH 435Introduction to Health Communication3
Maternal and Child Health
FAMS 150Lifespan Development and the Family3
FAMS 351Marriage and Family Relationships3
FAMS 481Cross-Cultural Family Patterns3
Public Health Administration and Policy
ECON 410Health Care Economics3
MGT 355Organizational Behavior3
MGT 380Human Resource Management3
MGT 409Leadership: Skills, Applications, Research3
MKT 336Services Marketing3
Additional Electives
HIST 110History of Science & Medicine3
HIST 305History of Global Public Health3
PHYS 203General Physics for Allied Health4
SPAN 103Spanish for Special Purposes (Medical Professionals)1-3


Students in the Pre-Public Health Program may consider applying for the 3+2 Master’s in Public Health (MPH).This program is a collaborative program between UNK and the UNMC College of Public Health that allows students committed to public health to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Health Sciences from UNK and an MPH from UNMC in 5 years.For more information, please contact your Pre-Public Health advisor.