Learning, Design & Technology, Master of Science in Education

Offered by Department of Teacher Education

Program Information and Admission Requirements

The Learning Design and  Technology program requires four core classes covering the areas of research, democracy, diversity, and technology in accordance with the focus of the College of Education. The program is 30 credit hours.

Admission requirements include GPA and either a Professional Biography or the Graduate Record Examination.

The Learning Design & Technology program prepares graduates for careers in digital education, instructional and learning design, online learning, and similar areas. Learning Designers and Educational Technologists will lead successful careers in higher education, K12 schools and corporate. Educational Technologists can lead successful careers as  designers, building, district-wide, or company-wide technology resource personnel who provide or assist with technology-related professional development, strategic planning components, trans-curricular integration of technology, and instructional/training delivery. Education students are able earn teaching endorsements in Leadership in Instructional Technology, Information Technology, and School Library.  

Teachers earning the Leadership in Learning Design and Technology endorsement assist with or facilitate the development of digitally enhanced programs for students in prekindergarten through grade 12. Teachers with the Information Technology endorsement are approved to teach a variety of courses in areas such as web design, learning design, as well as development, support, and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services for students in prekindergarten through grade 12.  School Librarians provide leadership in library administration, technology, information access, children’s and young adult literature, resource management, and curriculum and instruction. Many of the instructional technology degree students do not work on any endorsement but focus instead on developing their own technology skills and expertise for use in their own classrooms.  Instructional technologists in the business world focus on designing and developing instruction, job aids, training aids, consulting, and similar training related issues. Instructional Technologists in any discipline are involved with all instructional aspects of technology and related areas.

Successful completion of a comprehensive examination/project is required of all degree-seeking students prior to graduation. There are three parts:

  1. Program Examination/Capstone Project
  2. Program ePortfolio, and
  3. College of Education Survey of Desired Outcomes.

Contact your advisor at least one semester in advance of your planned graduation. Additionally, you must apply for graduation in the first few weeks of the semester in which you intend to graduate even if you will not attend.


The Learning Design and Technology (LDT) program is offered fully online and requires 30 credits for completion in the three concentration areas (Learning Design and Technology, Leadership in LDT, and Information Technology). The LDT program is also part of ONE - Open Nebraska.  This means all courses have zero cost for the learning materials.

The School Library concentration (36 credits) and School Library endorsement (30 credits) are considered low-cost programs with minimum cost involved but are not part of ONE - Open Nebraska. The vast majority of the program courses are no cost materials.

Department Core Courses
TE 800Education Research3
TE 868Copyright, Fair Use, and Ethics3
TE 810Instructional Design for Learning3
Learning Design and Technology Core Classes
TE 894Capstone Project in Learning Design and Technology 13
Select one of the following courses: 23
Motivating the 21st Century Learner
Designing Digital Learning Environments
Select one of the following courses: 33
Field Experiences in Learning Design and Technology
Field Experiences in School Library
Select one of the following concentrations:9-18
Total Credit Hours27-36

Learning Design and Technology Concentration

TE 860Introduction to Gaming in Education3
TE 876Integration of Curriculum and Digital Technology3
TE 877Designing Digital Learning Environments3
Total Credit Hours9

Leadership in Learning Design and Technology Concentration

TE 878Leadership in Learning Design and Technology3
TE 880Administration of Educational Technology Resources3
TE 882Professional Development and Training in Learning Design and Technology3
Total Credit Hours9

School Librarian Concentration

TE 869Introduction to School Library Program3
TE 871Collection Development and Management3
TE 872Organization of School Library and Technology Resources3
TE 873Reference Services and Resources3
TE 875Administration of the School Library3
3 Hours of approved electives- anything technology or reading3
Total Credit Hours18

Information Technology Concentration

Choose three courses from the following:9
Digital Technology for Educators
Administration of Educational Technology Resources
Career Education Multimedia Applications
Exploring Computer Science Principles
Information Technology Teaching Methods
Cybersecurity for Managers & Leaders
Information Networking Law and Public Policy
Total Credit Hours9

 Electives in Teacher Education

TE 805POverview of Assistive Technology3
TE 810Instructional Design for Learning3
TE 866Motivating the 21st Century Learner3
TE 868Copyright, Fair Use, and Ethics3
TE 864Digital Storytelling3
TE 869Introduction to School Library Program3
TE 871Collection Development and Management3
TE 872Organization of School Library and Technology Resources3
TE 873Reference Services and Resources3
TE 875Administration of the School Library3
TE 876Integration of Curriculum and Digital Technology 43
TE 877Designing Digital Learning Environments3
TE 878Leadership in Learning Design and Technology3
TE 880Administration of Educational Technology Resources3
TE 882Professional Development and Training in Learning Design and Technology3
TE 886PDigital Technology for Educators3
TE 891Field Experiences in Learning Design and Technology3
TE 892Internship in Learning Design and Technology3
TE 893Field Experiences in School Library3
TE 894Capstone Project in Learning Design and Technology3
CYBR 800Exploring Computer Science Principles3
CYBR 834PInformation Technology Teaching Methods3
CYBR 878PCybersecurity for Managers & Leaders3
CYBR 890PInformation Networking Law and Public Policy3

Endorsements ONLY

School Librarian Endorsement Requirements

TE 810Instructional Design for Learning3
TE 868Copyright, Fair Use, and Ethics3
TE 869Introduction to School Library Program3
TE 871Collection Development and Management3
TE 872Organization of School Library and Technology Resources3
TE 873Reference Services and Resources3
TE 875Administration of the School Library3
TE 886PDigital Technology for Educators3
TE 893Field Experiences in School Library3
Select 3 credit hours of Approved Electives3
Total Credit Hours30

Leadership in Learning Design and Technology Endorsement Requirements

TE 810Instructional Design for Learning3
TE 886PDigital Technology for Educators3
TE 877Designing Digital Learning Environments3
TE 878Leadership in Learning Design and Technology3
TE 882Professional Development and Training in Learning Design and Technology3
Total Credit Hours15

Information Technology Endorsement Requirements

TE 886PDigital Technology for Educators3
TE 880Administration of Educational Technology Resources3
or BSED 802P Career Education Multimedia Applications
CYBR 800Exploring Computer Science Principles3
CYBR 834PInformation Technology Teaching Methods3
CYBR 878PCybersecurity for Managers & Leaders3
or CYBR 890P Information Networking Law and Public Policy
Total Credit Hours15

TE 894, Capstone Project in Learning Design and Technology, is not required for the School Librarian concentration or the School Librarian endorsement.


TE 866 is the preferred course for the School Librarian degree or endorsement. TE 877 is the preferred course for Instructional Technology degree or endorsement.


Instructional Technology degree or endorsement students are required to take TE 891.  School Library degree or endorsement students are required to take TE 893.


TE 876, Integration of Curriculum and Digital Technology is highly recommended.