Exercise Science, Master of Arts in Education

Offered by Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences

** This program is offered on campus or can be taken as a hybrid requiring 1-2 weeks on campus for two summers.

4+1 and Traditional Post-Baccalaureate Options

The Exercise Science Master’s program offers two separate avenues for entry and matriculation through one graduate program.  Students will have the opportunity to either complete a 4-year undergraduate plus a 1-year graduate (4+1) program pathway or complete a traditional post-baccalaureate 2-year program pathway. 

The five-year or 4+1 accelerated graduate degree pathway allows high level students to enter UNK as a freshman and obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and apply for entry into the Exercise Science Master’s program during their 6th semester.  Once accepted into the program, students take six hours of graduate work during their senior year at UNK which count for both undergraduate and graduate hours. Upon completion of the undergraduate degree, students will then complete their graduate program over the following traditional academic year.  

Students applying for the traditional two-year post baccalaureate pathway will be required to obtain pre-requisites for application to the program.  Upon acceptance into the traditional two-year model, students will be afforded the opportunity to complete the graduate program over the following two calendar years. 

Program Information and Admission Requirements

Admission to degree work is contingent on

  1. Evaluation of the candidate's undergraduate transcript.  Students must be in good academic standing (GPA 3.0 or greater).
  2. Must have an undergraduate exercise physiology course and PE 467 or PE 867 Fitness Evaluation from UNK (can be completed while completing graduate program at UNK).
  3. These criteria are supplemented by submission of a personal essay regarding the student's career goals directly related to the specific program of study (and emphasis area if appropriate).

Graduate students in the department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences must select either a thesis or a non-thesis option.

Thesis Option

In addition to academic coursework, students must complete a 6 hour thesis project (KSS 896) under the direction of a thesis advisor. At the time a student elects to write a thesis, the advisor and the Chair of the KSS Graduate Program Committee shall obtain approval from the Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Outreach on the composition of the committee by submitting a "Proposed Supervisory Committee" form. This committee will approve a thesis proposal and guide the student in the writing of the thesis. The committee will also examine the student in the required oral examination at the completion of the project. The time and place of the examination will be determined by the Chair of the Committee.

Thesis and Thesis Committee

A completed thesis must be submitted for the approval of the thesis committee within two years from the completion of the course work. This time requirement may be waived at the discretion of the majority of the Department's Graduate Committee. The thesis committee shall consist of a minimum of three members:

  • The candidate's thesis professor who will serve as chair,
  • A member representing the candidate's major discipline (generally from the degree granting institution),
  • A third member representing a related field selected at large from the University of Nebraska Graduate Faculty. This member cannot be a member of the candidate's department.

Non-Thesis Option

In addition to their coursework, students pursuing Non-Thesis Option must successfully complete a comprehensive examination prior to graduation. Comprehensive examinations are to be taken on the campus of the University of Nebraska at Kearney unless an off campus site and a waiver for the on campus requirement are approved by a majority vote of the KSS graduate faculty. Comprehensive examinations will be offered the last week of March, June, and October. The comprehensive written examination will consist of at least three questions.

  • one question relating to research techniques
  • one question relating to content from their graduate coursework
  • one question relating to the student's area of focus/emphasis

Scoring of the comprehensive written exam will be scored as

  • Pass - no further examination is required
  • Conditional Pass with an oral examination required - Following the oral exam the student can then be granted a Pass or No Pass with remediation required. Students earning a No Pass must then take another written comprehensive examination within a time period specified by the examination committee.
  • No Pass - the committee will then recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Outreach that the candidate be reexamined after a specified interval. Means for improvement shall be recommended to the candidate by the committee.

After a student takes a second comprehensive examination, the student will be given the same scoring as above, except in any situation in which the student receives a score of No Pass the committee will then recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Academic Outreach that the candidate be refused graduation.

Comprehensive Examination Committee

The comprehensive exam committee will consist of two graduate faculty members of the student's choosing within their field of study, with the Graduate Program Chair (or another graduate faculty member if the Graduate Program Chair is on the exam committee) serving as a third member if arbitration of grading is needed.

Thesis Option

Core Requirements
BIOL 865PPhysiology3
or BIOL 839 Human Physiological Systems
KSS 835Program Design: Strength Training & Conditioning 3
KSS 850Research Method in Kinesiology & Sport Sciences3
or KSS 879P Research Methods in Exercise Science
KSS 860PGross Anatomy of Movement3
or BIOL 838 Essential Human Anatomy
KSS 866PSports Nutrition3
or KSS 840 Essentials of Sports Nutrition
KSS 868Advanced Testing in Exercise & Sport Science 13
KSS 870Advanced Exercise Physiology 13
Thesis Option
KSS 896Thesis6
Select 3 credit hours of Electives as Approved by Advisor3
Elective courses may include:
Advanced Research Design and Analysis in Psychology
Sport Psychology
KSS 802P
Sport Coaching Methods/Techniques
Foundations of Injury Care and Prevention
Motor Development and Learning
Exercise Prescription for Special Populations
Total Credit Hours30

Non-Thesis Option 

Core Requirements
BIOL 865PPhysiology3
or BIOL 839 Human Physiological Systems
KSS 835Program Design: Strength Training & Conditioning 3
KSS 850Research Method in Kinesiology & Sport Sciences3
or KSS 879P Research Methods in Exercise Science
KSS 860PGross Anatomy of Movement3
or BIOL 838 Essential Human Anatomy
KSS 866PSports Nutrition3
or KSS 840 Essentials of Sports Nutrition
KSS 868Advanced Testing in Exercise & Sport Science 13
KSS 870Advanced Exercise Physiology 13
Non-Thesis Option
KSS 895Internship3-6
Select 3-6 hours of Electives as Approved by Advisor3-6
Elective Courses may include:
Sport Psychology
KSS 802P
Sport Coaching Methods/Techniques
Marketing in Sport and Recreation
Foundations of Injury Care and Prevention
Motor Development and Learning
Exercise Prescription for Special Populations
Leisure Behavior
Total Credit Hours30

Requires minimal residency for labs