Athletic Training, Master of Athletic Training

Offered by Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences

Program Information and Admission Requirements

3+2 and Traditional Post-Baccalaureate Application and Acceptance Requirements

The Master of Athletic Training program offers two separate avenues for entry and matriculation through one graduate professional program.  Students can either complete a 3-year undergraduate plus a 2-year graduate professional program (3+2 accelerated) pathway or a 2-year post-baccalaureate professional program pathway. 

The five-year or 3+2 accelerated degree pathway allows a student to enter UNK as a freshman and obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science or other related area of study with a minor in Athletic Training Foundations and/or Pre-Athletic Training Emphasis.  The minor in Athletic Training Foundations will provide students the opportunity to acquire prerequisite and professional coursework that will enable them to apply for entry into the Master of Athletic Training professional program.  Students may apply for entrance into the professional sequence at the conclusion of the 6th semester.  Once accepted into the program, students can begin the professional sequence in the summer before their senior year (4th UG year), allowing them to complete the undergraduate degree while beginning the professional graduate program.  Upon completing the undergraduate degree, students will then complete their professional program over the following academic year.  

Students applying for the traditional two-year post-baccalaureate pathway will be required to obtain prerequisites for application to the program.  Upon acceptance into the traditional two-year pathway, students will be allowed to complete the professional program over the following two calendar years (summer, fall, spring). 

Admission to degree work is contingent upon the following:

  1. Evaluation of the candidate’s undergraduate transcript
    • Cumulative undergraduate GPA (4-point scale) of 3.0 or higher
    • Successful completion of all Athletic Training prerequisite courses.
      • General Physics (PHYS 203 or 205 or equivalent)                                                         
      • General Chemistry (CHEM 145 or 148 or equivalent)                                                     
      • Human Anatomy and Physiology (KSS 310 or BIO 226 or equivalent)                              
      • Anatomical Biomechanics (KSS 360 or equivalent)                                         
      • Exercise Physiology (KSS 461 or equivalent)                                                  
      • Fitness Testing (KSS 467 or equivalent)                                                           
      • Sports Nutrition (KSS 469 or equivalent)                               
  2. Completion of 40 hours of clinical observation under a certified athletic trainer or other sports medicine allied healthcare provider.
    • Signed letter confirming observation hours.  Letter should be signed by a BOC Certified Athletic Trainer.
  3. Recommendations and References
    • One letter of recommendation and two additional references
  4. Cover letter/letter of interest (max. two pages)
  5. TOEFL or IELTS score (International Students only)
    • Minimum TOEFL score of 550 for the paper version and 79 for the internet version. The minimum IELTS score is 6.5.  Applicants completing a bachelor's degree from a college/university in the U.S. may be exempt from this requirement.
  6. Complete a scheduled interview
    • The Athletic Training faculty will schedule candidates for interviews once the review of applications is complete.

An individual who wishes to pursue formal admission into the Master of Athletic Training must submit the application according to university graduate application deadlines: April 1st for the 3+2 accelerated degree pathway students or May 15th for the 2-year graduate pathway students. Master of Athletic Training Program accepts summer admission only.  Acceptance is not guaranteed, and all applications will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Upon submission of required materials to the Office of Graduate Studies and Academic Innovations, all applicant files will be reviewed by the Athletic Training Program faculty and an interview will be scheduled.  Each student will be required, as part of the application process,  to complete an interview with the Athletic Training Program Committee.  The program committee will ultimately grant acceptance.  Interviews will be scheduled during the spring semester for all students who qualify.  Notification of full acceptance into the program will be provided once all qualified applications are reviewed.  Each applicant will be notified, in writing, of his or her status.  All applicants will have their candidacy individually evaluated. An established number of positions will be available each year for qualified applicants.  The number of available positions is dictated by the number of clinical educators currently present in the program.  Ranked cumulative GPA & successful completion of entrance requirements will contribute to the evaluation process that the program committee will use to consider granting acceptance to any applicant.  The program committee may utilize all aspects of the students' observation experiences, the results of the interview, TOEFL scores, GPA, and grades in prerequisite courses to assist them in granting acceptance to any qualified applicant.  Those students with the highest GPA and who qualify for acceptance as well as demonstrate excellence in each component of their observation, interview, and prerequisite work will be given first considered.

Transfer Applicants

Students wishing to transfer from another CAATE-accredited graduate program or those wishing to transfer as an undergraduate through the 3+2 accelerated pathway will have their transcripts evaluated individually for proper placement in the program sequence.  All transfer students wishing to be immediately accepted into the MAT must apply for admission and provide proof of certification in Red Cross or American Heart Association CPR for the Professional Rescuer and a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative graduate grade point average.

Retention Requirements

A student in good standing will:

  • Maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Maintain current certification in CPR for the Professional Rescuer.
  • Complete each semester Clinical Course enrollment with a B or better.  Completion of each Clinical course includes aspects of clinical instruction, field assignment requirements, field experience evaluations, written and practical promotion examinations, & other specific Clinical course requirements.
  • Successfully complete (70% composite score) the advancement and comprehensive examinations.
  • Maintain a longitudinal score of 70% or higher on each of the program measures.
  • Receive program recommendation for advancement to clinical level and challenge the Board of Certification exam.

A student falling short of a 3.0 cumulative GPA after being fully accepted into the program will be placed on probation in accordance with university policy. A student who is not reinstated after one semester of probation may be removed from the program.  To advance the clinical level and challenge the Board of the Certification (BOC) exam, students must maintain C (2.0)  or better in regular program courses and B or better in clinical courses. Students who are placed on probation, will work with their advisor and/or program director to develop a remediation plan in accordance with university graduate school policy.  These activities will be conducted to maintain knowledge and skills while serving the suspension period.

Requirements for graduation & challenging the Board of Certification (BOC) examination

Each student must complete all of the Master of Athletic Training required courses, program requirements  and complete all university graduate requirements in order to be eligible to challenge the BOC exam and apply for graduation.

A. Traditional (post-baccalaureate) degree Requirements (45 hours required)

Take all of the following:
KSS 808Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Injury3
KSS 809Rehabilitation Techniques in Athletic Training4
KSS 815PAthletic Orthopedic Assessment I -- LE3
KSS 816PAthletic Orthopedic Assessment II -- UE3
KSS 819PPathology of Sports Injury1
KSS 820General Medical Conditions in Sport and Exercise3
KSS 860PGross Anatomy of Movement3
KSS 883Athletic Training Special Topic I3
KSS 884Athletic Training Special Topic II3
KSS 885Clinical I2
KSS 886Clinical II2
KSS 887Clinical III2
KSS 888Clinical IV2
KSS 889Clinical V3
KSS 890Clinical VI3
KSS 891Athletic Training Clinical Immersion2
KSS 898Graduate Seminar1
CSP 804PCounseling and Mental Disorders2
Total Credit Hours45

B. Non-Traditional (dual enrolled undergraduate and graduate) - (39 hours required)

Take all of the following:
KSS 808Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Injury3
KSS 809Rehabilitation Techniques in Athletic Training4
KSS 819PPathology of Sports Injury1
KSS 820General Medical Conditions in Sport and Exercise3
KSS 860PGross Anatomy of Movement3
KSS 883Athletic Training Special Topic I3
KSS 884Athletic Training Special Topic II3
KSS 885Clinical I2
KSS 886Clinical II2
KSS 887Clinical III2
KSS 888Clinical IV2
KSS 889Clinical V3
KSS 890Clinical VI3
KSS 891Athletic Training Clinical Immersion2
KSS 898Graduate Seminar1
CSP 804PCounseling and Mental Disorders2
Total Credit Hours39

*Formal application and acceptance are required for both academic pathways of the Master of Athletic Training.
**Non-traditional students will complete PE815P/816P as PE405/406 when they dual enroll.