Philosophy Program

Program Objectives

  • To enable students to develop thoughtful attitudes toward life and the world through a confrontation with the thought of great philosophers;
  • To treat such problems as the nature of our individual and social lives, the nature of the world in which we live, and the nature of our apprehension of, and response to that world. All philosophy courses will include a close reading and analysis of primary sources and a substantive writing component.

Philosophy Minor

The minor in Philosophy is available for students pursuing majors in other disciplines.

Philosophy (PHIL)

PHIL 100 – Introduction to Philosophy     3 credit hours

What is Philosophy? This course seeks both to convey a sense of what philosophy has been and to engage the student in a philosophical dialogue concerning perennial and contemporary issues. Among topics dealt with are: freedom, God, knowledge, morality and justice.

PHIL 105 – Philosophical Roots of American Democracy     3 credit hours

This course is designed to emphasize the philosophical roots of Democracy by reading primary works from Greek philosophy, literature, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The students will analyze the ideals of justice, citizenship, virtue, rights, liberty, and the constitution of government and develop an understanding of what are the duties and responsibilities of informed citizens.

PHIL 110 – Introduction to Logic     3 credit hours

The systematic study of valid arguments with emphasis upon analysis and evaluation of arguments in ordinary language.

PHIL 120 – Introduction to Ethics     3 credit hours

Introduction to a philosophical analysis of the idea of an ethical life: reading and critical discussion of both historical and contemporary sources.

PHIL 125 – Introduction to Ethics and Health Care     3 credit hours

This course is an introduction to the philosophical analysis of the idea of an ethical life, especially in the context of health care. There will be reading and critical discussion of ethical issues and decision-making in multiple contexts, but focusing especially within the context of health care. Both philosophical and literary sources will be utilized.

PHIL 126 – First Year Seminar     1 credit hour

The First-Year Seminar provides students with a multidisciplinary experience in which they approach an issue or problem from the perspective of three different academic differences. The First-Year Seminar will consist of three 1-credit hour courses taken as co-requisites in a single semester. The successful completion of all three courses satisfies the General Studies LOPER 1 course requirement. Students may take the First-Year Seminar in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Students admitted as readmit students or transfer students who transfer 18 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are exempt from taking a LOPER 1 course.

PHIL 150 – The Joy of Sales Resistance     3 credit hours

This course is an in-depth examination and evaluation of human needs and wants, and of the differences between needs and wants, as well as the differences between types of needs and wants. The goal of the examination is to equip students in the shaping of their own lives--their characteristics, their choices, and their actions--in order to live "the good life".

PHIL 205 – Social and Political Philosophy     3 credit hours

This course will be a close study of the fundamental principles of political and social organization, focusing especially on the investigation of the concepts of community, justice, law, and economy.

PHIL 209 – Philosophy of Mind     3 credit hours

This course will be a critical analysis of the most prominent philosophical ideas of concepts such as thought, belief, perception, sensation, emotion, action and will.

PHIL 214 – Philosophy of Religion: Reason and Faith     3 credit hours

This course will raise and address problems concerning religious language, the nature and existence of God (or gods), and the purpose and meaning of living a religious life, including criticism thereof.

PHIL 256 – Philosophy of Human Culture     3 credit hours

An examination of the concept of culture in the development of the individual, group or class, and of a whole society using a variety of works from Indian, East Asian, Native American, European, and/or African thinkers, and from a variety of religious traditions.

PHIL 261 – Philosophy of Science     3 credit hours

Critical study of the aims, methods and the good(s) of the sciences. Using original works in various sciences, this course will examine the why and wherefore of scientific inquiry and progress.

PHIL 350 – Ancient Greek Philosophy     3 credit hours

Reading and critical analysis of the texts of the philosophers and poets of ancient Greece and Rome with an emphasis on Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.

PHIL 351 – Medieval Philosophy     3 credit hours

Reading and critical analysis of the major philosophical issues of the Middle Ages, such as the relation of faith with reason, of philosophy with theology, of science with revelation, and of the vita activa with the vita contemplative.

PHIL 353 – Modern Philosophy     3 credit hours

Reading and critical analysis of texts of seventeenth and eighteenth century philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant.

PHIL 354 – Contemporary Philosophy     3 credit hours

Study of contemporary issues and methods in Philosophy, including, but not limited to, Phenomenology, Existentialism, Analytic Philosophy.

PHIL 400 – Ethics     3 credit hours

Reading and critical analysis of historic and contemporary discussions of the concept of morality.

PHIL 410 – Topics in Metaphysics     3 credit hours

Investigation of the concepts of reality, existence, truth and being. Specific topic to be announced in the class schedule.
Prerequisite: 3 hours of Philosophy at the 100 level or permission of instructor.

PHIL 420 – Independent Study     1-3 credit hours

Arrange with instructor.
Total Credits Allowed: 18.00

PHIL 425 – Aesthetics     3 credit hours

This course will study the nature and purposes of art.

PHIL 451 – Philosophy in Literature     3 credit hours

Philosophical issues as expressed in the novel, drama, and poetry.
Prerequisite: 3 hours of Philosophy at the 100 level or permission of instructor.

PHIL 490 – Seminar in Philosopher or Movement     3 credit hours

Specific philosopher or movement to be announced in the class schedule. May be repeated as topic varies.
Total Credits Allowed: 18.00