Department of Communication

Department Mission Statement

The faculty of the Department of Communication at the University of Nebraska at Kearney educate students to be ethical professional communicators in the rapidly changing, diverse, global environment.

Students graduating from the Department of Communication should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate and apply professional written communication skills.
  2. Demonstrate and apply relevant professional oral and/or visual communication skills.
  3. Apply communication-related concepts to contemporary issues and everyday life.
  4. Demonstrate informational literacy including how to gather, evaluate and interpret information.

The faculty are uniquely qualified to provide instruction in the areas of advertising and public relations, journalism, multimedia, organizational and relational communication, speech education, and sports communication.

Minimum Grade Point Average in the Major

Students selecting a major in the Department of Communication must earn a minimum 2.5 G.P.A. in the major.

Portfolio Requirements

Students selecting a major in Media Studies Comprehensive, BS must compile evidence of achievement particular to their chosen career field. Students will present this portfolio and discuss its contents with a Faculty Portfolio Committee in the semester prior to their graduation.

All majors in the Department of Communication are required to take SPCH 100 Fundamentals of Speech Communication as their LOPER 3 - Oral Communication Skills course. Media Studies Comprehensive, BS majors are required to take JMC 100 Global Media Literacy as their LOPER 9 – Civic Competency & Engagement course in the UNK General Studies Program. It is recommended that students consult with a departmental advisor about these courses.

Journalism and Mass Communication Major

One option is available in this major:

   1. Media Studies Comprehensive - Bachelor of Science Degree

      Four emphases are available in this major

  • Advertising & Public Relations emphasis
  • Broadcasting & Journalism emphasis
  • Multimedia emphasis
  • Sports Communication emphasis

Speech Major

One option is available in this major:

  1.  Communication Studies Comprehensive - Bachelor of Science Degree

Minors in Health CommunicationStrategic CommunicationJournalism, Media Production, Multimedia and Professional Communication are available. The Teacher Education department has a specially defined minor in Media/Speech/Theatre.

Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC)

JMC 100 – Global Media Literacy     3 credit hours

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of global media as they interact with the world's social, cultural, political, technological and economic forces. Historical dimensions are also examined. Using major mass communication theoretical concepts as a basis, the effects of mass media on individuals and society are explored.

JMC 110 – Topics     1 credit hour

This course is intended to introduce students to the use of popular software packages used by the industry. The content of the course will be announced each time the course is offered.
Total Credits Allowed: 5.00

JMC 112 – Communication Software     3 credit hours

The course is intended to introduce students to the use of Apple Macintosh computers, peripherals, and popular communication software used by the industry. Students will be introduced to basic design principles.

JMC 126 – First Year Seminar     1 credit hour

The First-Year Seminar provides students with a multidisciplinary experience in which they approach an issue or problem from the perspective of three different academic differences. The First-Year Seminar will consist of three 1-credit hour courses taken as co-requisites in a single semester. The successful completion of all three courses satisfies the General Studies LOPER 1 course requirement. Students may take the First-Year Seminar in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Students admitted as readmit students or transfer students who transfer 18 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are exempt from taking a LOPER 1 course.

JMC 215 – News Writing & Photography     3 credit hours

As the world of integrated news continues to expand, journalists must be prepared with skills to meet the demands of the industry. Students will learn to select, focus and write news and feature stories in the traditional sense and then supplement the written news with digital photojournalism and design skills creating news packages geared to a specific news audience. Work in this course prepares students to write for the student newspaper and prepare design pieces for their portfolios in preparation for communication internships and jobs in news communication.
Corequisite: JMC 112 or permission of the department.
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 218 – Writing for the Media     3 credit hours

As the world of integrated news continues to expand, journalists must be prepared with skills to meet the demands of the industry. Students will learn to select, focus and write news and feature stories. Students will also adapt the techniques of news writing to public relations work and advertising. Work in this course prepares students to write for The Antelope student newspaper or selling and creating advertising for The Antelope and its website. Students will create work for their portfolios in preparation for communication internships and jobs in professional communication.

JMC 219 – Sports Writing for the Media     3 credit hours

As the world of integrated news continues to expand, sportswriters must be prepared with skills to meet the demands of the industry. Students will learn to select, focus and write sports and feature stories. Students will also adapt the techniques of sports writing to public relations work and advertising. Work in this course prepares students to write for The Antelope student newspaper or selling and creating advertising for The Antelope and its website. Students will create work for their portfolios in preparation for communication internships and jobs in professional communication.

JMC 226 – Audio Production & Announcing     3 credit hours

An introduction to the techniques and theory of audio production as they are applied in the broadcast, cable and production industries. The course also includes instruction in how to effectively use one's voice in broadcasting.
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 230 – Integrated Marketing Communications     3 credit hours

An introduction to advertising with emphasis on marketing and demographic analysis. Also includes how advertising affects the consumer and an examination of the structure of the advertising industry.

JMC 250 – Video Production Foundations     2 credit hours

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to storytelling techniques using video and audio as the media. Students will be introduced to scriptwriting and storyboarding and will shoot and edit video to produce a short movie.

JMC 265 – Video Production     3 credit hours

This course includes basic video production concepts and practices. Students will record aesthetically pleasing video and edit polished video material. They will develop skills using professional-grade camera, sound, and lighting equipment and familiarity with video and photo editing software (Adobe Premiere and Photoshop).
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 300 – Website Design     3 credit hours

No previous knowledge or experience required. Start with the basics: how the web works, using html, page editors, images and Web design principles. This class is hands-on in a lab environment. A variety of software will be used. Additional lab hours will be available. Students will finish with a Web site, their own pages on UNK's students server, and with an understanding of technical issues.
Prerequisite: JMC 112 or permission of instructor

JMC 302 – Digital Storytelling     3 credit hours

This course is designed to give Communication students experiences with the concepts and practices of professional information gathering for converged media. The emphasis is on selecting topics, angles, sources, and producing content for multiple media formats. Students will use text, photos, audio, video, and other media for online and print publication.
Prerequisite: JMC 112 and JMC 300 and JMC 215 or JMC 218 or JMC 219
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 303 – History of Press in America     3 credit hours

Study of primary materials to see how the media acted or reacted, altered or was altered by events and issues of American social, economic and political history.

JMC 304 – Interactive Media Design     3 credit hours

This course provides a comprehensive foundation for a hands-on approach for design, development, and process implementation of interactive media. Students will explore the current technologies and current software relationships to create course projects. It is recommended that students take JMC 300, Web Site Design before taking JMC 304.

JMC 305 – Advanced Media Writing     3 credit hours

This class is an opportunity for you to develop as a non-fiction writer by reading the works of major contemporary media writers and by researching and writing in-depth articles. In this course we will discuss how to develop story ideas, strengthen your point of view, research stories, and develop your voice as a writer. We will also read, analyze and discuss a wide range of non-fiction articles.
Prerequisite: JMC 215 or JMC 218 or JMC 219

JMC 307 – Advertising Copywriting     3 credit hours

Writing advertising copy to fit specific media and specific client requirements. Assignments designed to develop skills in writing for all advertising media.

JMC 309 – Public Relations     3 credit hours

Basic principles of corporate and institutional communications programs.

JMC 315 – Advanced Reporting & Editing     3 credit hours

Advanced reporting techniques developed with emphasis on public affairs reporting. Students will also be exposed to copy editing, headline and caption writing and learning the Associated Press style.
Prerequisite: JMC 215 or permission of instructor

JMC 316 – Broadcast Advertising & Programming     3 credit hours

The course is designed to familiarize students with different aspects of broadcast/cable advertising and programming. Topics will include reach, co-op advertising, audience flow, coverage areas, audience measurement methods, ratings, share, stunting and recycling. Other areas for discussion will include the relationships among programming, promotions, personalities and the personnel in the various departments within a broadcast/cable operation.

JMC 322 – Photojournalism     3 credit hours

This is a course in digital photojournalism, covering the basics of telling stories through photography, operating a DSLR camera in manual mode, processing images with photo editing software, and moving images through prepress. Field assignments will be required.
Prerequisite: JMC 112
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 329 – Print Advertising Design     3 credit hours

In-depth study of design and production techniques necessary for all print advertising. Utilizes desktop publishing to produce black and white as well as spot color print ads. Students will be expected to demonstrate proficiency with Adobe Photoshop and InDesign on the first day of the course.
Prerequisite: JMC 112
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 330 – Media Design     3 credit hours

You will learn fundamental design principles and production techniques necessary for developing branding schemes, knowing and coordinating the building blocks of good design and utilizing popular communication software to create variety of user-friendly, cohesive designs. You will also learn advanced typographical, layout and editing techniques to add polish to your work.
Prerequisite: JMC 112
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 336 – Radio Workshop     2 credit hours

Students will write, perform in, and produce programming and announcements, as well as serve as staff for KLPR-FM, the student operated radio station.
Total Credits Allowed: 10.00

JMC 339 – Radio Workshop: Sports     2 credit hours

Students will write, perform in, and produce sports programming and announcements, as well as serve as sports broadcasting staff for KLPR-FM, the student operated radio station.
Total Credits Allowed: 6.00

JMC 343 – Video at Antelope     2 credit hours

Students will write, produce, perform and serve as production crew for a variety of video programming including news, sports, and entertainment. This programming will be created in conjunction with the student newspaper The Antelope. It will also be hosted on a class YouTube channel (Video @ The Antelope).
Total Credits Allowed: 6.00
Prerequisite: JMC 250 or JMC 265

JMC 350 – News at Antelope     2 credit hours

This course is designed to give Communication students practical experiences in professional information gathering. Students will select topics, develop angles, identify sources, and produce content for online, print, and broadcast media. May be repeated for a total of four hours.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00
Prerequisite: JMC 218 or JMC 219 or JMC 302

JMC 351 – Advertising and Promotion at Antelope     2 credit hours

Students will develop advertising accounts, sell and design ads for the student newspaper, The Antelope. They will also develop advertising and marketing communications materials to promote The Antelope. This course may be repeated for a total of four hours.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00
Prerequisite: JMC 302 and JMC 307 and either JMC 329 or JMC 330.

JMC 352 – Photojournalism at Antelope     2 credit hours

Students will take, process, and print pictures for the student newspaper, The Antelope. May be repeated for a total of four hours.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00
Prerequisite: JMC 322

JMC 353 – Sports at Antelope     2 credit hours

This course is designed to give Sports Communication students practical experiences in professional information gathering. Students will select topics, develop angles, identify sources, and produce content for online, print, and broadcast media covering sports. May be repeated for a total of four hours.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00
Prerequisite: JMC 219 or JMC 302

JMC 356 – Audio at Antelope     2 credit hours

In this class, you will learn and apply clear and correct writing principles, study journalistic research techniques and use the appropriate tools and technologies to produce content in a broadcast style news environment. You will gain an understanding of broadcast journalism principles, and the various components that make a good story. You will create broadcast style news content for KLPR, the University of Nebraska at Kearney's radio station and webstreams, as well as for other broadcast outlets.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00
Prerequisite: JMC 226

JMC 363 – Documentary Cinema     3 credit hours

This course provides a comprehensive study of documentary filmmaking, covering the history, cultural impact, and production techniques of non-fiction cinema.

JMC 365 – Professional Video     3 credit hours

This course deals with video production concepts and practices that build on the foundations you learned in JMC 265, Video Production. Students will record aesthetically pleasing video and edit polished video material.  They will develop skills using professional-grade camera, sound, and lighting equipment and familiarity with video and photo editing software. The assignments have an emphasis on commercial production, including work for real-world clients.
Prerequisite: JMC 265

JMC 370 – Social Media Strategies     3 credit hours

The course emphasis is to understand consumers' social interactions, examine the social media channels available, learn how to construct social strategic communication and practice tracking the effectiveness for evaluation. Since social media is technology-driven, we will also examine relevant related topics such as digital, electronic commerce and mobile communication strategies from a broader perspective.

JMC 401 – Web Site Design II     3 credit hours

This course, a continuation of JMC 300, explores current technologies available for web site development such as current languages, cascading style sheets, JavaScript, and responsiveness to devices. Information is provided in relation to forms and interactivity. In addition, social implications, accessibility, and legal responsibilities are investigated.
Prerequisite: JMC 300 or permission of instructor

JMC 402 – CMS - WordPress     3 credit hours

This course will explore Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS are leading applications for developing and maintaining websites. WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool and the most powerful blogging and website CMS in existence today.

JMC 406 – Commentary and Blogging     3 credit hours

This course introduces students to opinion writing for a range of media. Students will read, listen to, and analyze written and spoken commentary, as well as write several times a week for their own blog.
Prerequisite: Junior standing

JMC 409 – Public Relations Strategy     3 credit hours

Case study analysis of public relations problems and procedures. Practice in creating materials which help organizations reach their publics.
Prerequisite: JMC 309

JMC 414 – Communications Law     3 credit hours

Privileges of and constraints on mass media. Libel, contempt, access, privacy, and copyright are considered. National and state regulations are examined.
Prerequisite: Junior standing

JMC 416 – Interpretive Reporting     3 credit hours

Writing interpretive articles. Research and practice in understanding and evaluating contemporary problems and relating them to the social sciences.
Prerequisite: JMC 315

JMC 420 – Strategic Communication Campaigns     3 credit hours

Integrates, amplifies, and applies previous advertising, integrated marketing communication, and public relations coursework. Focus is three-fold: 1) utilizing client information and research to write sound public relations/advertising-based communication plans, complete with 1) utilizing research; 2) creating campaigns which include proposed strategic media and public relation plans; and 3) making client presentations.
Prerequisite: JMC 302 and JMC 307 and JMC 309
Additional Course Fee Required

JMC 425 – Topics in Mass Media     1-3 credit hours

The course examines various aspects of mass communication. The content of the course will be announced each time the course is offered.
Total Credits Allowed: 9.00

JMC 427 – Advanced Video Production     3 credit hours

A comprehensive video course for experienced videographers. Hands-on projects are centered around studio, documentary, and short film production.
Prerequisite: JMC 343 or JMC 365

JMC 460 – Mass Media and Society     3 credit hours

An examination of the theories, issues, and controversies surrounding the mass media. Particular emphasis will be given to press ethics, freedom and media effects.
Prerequisite: Junior standing

JMC 475 – Internship in Mass Media     1-6 credit hours

Supervised field experience with a cooperative agency in a media-related field. There will be an evaluation and review required with the sponsoring faculty member. Each student will be required to write an evaluation paper. The student must meet special requirements to participate in the program. Complete information is available in the Communication Department office.
Total Credits Allowed: 6.00

JMC 497 – Senior Portfolio     1 credit hour

The course is intended to provide the Department of Communication student with a comprehensive foundation in electronic portfolio creation to meet the graduation requirement.
Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing

JMC 498 – Multimedia Capstone     1-3 credit hours

This is an Experiential Learning course. Students will work in teams to produce original multimedia productions for real world clients, using their knowledge and skills from Art, Cyber and Communication Departments. This is a capstone course for Multimedia majors and minors and should be taken during the student's senior year.
Prerequisite: Senior standing

JMC 499 – Independent Study in Mass Media     1-3 credit hours

Special assignments in the field of mass communication. May be taken for a total of 6 hours.
Department Consent Required
Total Credits Allowed: 18.00

Speech (SPCH)

SPCH 100 – Fundamentals of Speech Communication     3 credit hours

Study and practice of principles of public speaking.

SPCH 102 – Special Topics in Oral Communication     3 credit hours

This course will introduce students to the study and practice of special topics in oral communication.

SPCH 126 – First Year Seminar     1 credit hour

The First-Year Seminar provides students with a multidisciplinary experience in which they approach an issue or problem from the perspective of three different academic differences. The First-Year Seminar will consist of three 1-credit hour courses taken as co-requisites in a single semester. The successful completion of all three courses satisfies the General Studies LOPER 1 course requirement. Students may take the First-Year Seminar in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Students admitted as readmit students or transfer students who transfer 18 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are exempt from taking a LOPER 1 course.

SPCH 154 – Cross-Cultural Communication     3 credit hours

This course is designed to provide students with effective cross-cultural communication skills.

SPCH 202 – Communication Concepts in Society     3 credit hours

A survey of the basic concepts of communication through application to different contexts and through examination of literature and methods in communication research.

SPCH 230 – Nonverbal Communication     3 credit hours

Study of principles and effects of nonverbal communication.

SPCH 231 – Introduction to Forensics and Debate     3 credit hours

Study of debate and individual events procedures focused on skills of investigation and presentation.

SPCH 237 – Intercollegiate Debate and Forensics     1-4 credit hours

For students interested in intercollegiate debate and individual events tournaments.
Total Credits Allowed: 4.00

SPCH 252 – Communication Inquiry     3 credit hours

Improve researching skills by applying knowledge of experimental design to analyze, evaluate, and interpret research writing within the Communication field.
Prerequisite: SPCH 202 or instructor approval

SPCH 270 – Advanced Public Speaking     3 credit hours

This course will provide advanced work in speaker's delivery regarding: voice, body language, gestures, and facial expression. Two aspects of language will be considered: technical and influential. Speechwriting as a skill and a profession will be introduced. Speeches in the impromptu, extemporaneous and manuscript style will be presented by the students.
Prerequisite: SPCH 100

SPCH 300 – Interpersonal and Relational Communication     3 credit hours

Study of interpersonal and relational communication including the role of verbal and nonverbal communication in relationship development and maintenance, conflict management and interpersonal influence.

SPCH 301 – Introduction to Organizational Communication     3 credit hours

Students in this course will be introduced to the constitutive role that communication plays within organizational settings through studying the various theoretical approaches of the organizational communication discipline.

SPCH 332 – Logic Argumentation and Reasoning     3 credit hours

An examination of theories of practical logic with emphasis on rational decision making.

SPCH 340 – Professional Communication     3 credit hours

The course is designed to have a student consider his/her future career and the communication skills necessary in order to be successful in that career. The following skills will be presented: professional presentation skills, exploration of professional development topics that will aid interviewers to be effective, research into potential career opportunities, creation of an online resume, preparing for and conducting of a virtual job interview. The student will develop an online video profile that supplements their job application and resume.
Prerequisite: General Studies oral communication skills requirement and either junior standing or instructor approval
Additional Course Fee Required

SPCH 360 – Persuasion and Propaganda     3 credit hours

The study and practice of persuasion.

SPCH 365 – Gender Communication     3 credit hours

This course is designed to examine gender as a social practice that remains vital to identities, relationships, and institutions in contemporary society. Specifically, students will explore the evolution of gender studies in a variety of disciplines and throughout history to learn how gender is an ever-evolving construct. Moreover, students will understand how gender influences perception and connection with others.

SPCH 370 – Small Group Communication     3 credit hours

Study of small group communication theory and participation in various types of group discussion and activities.

SPCH 380 – Rhetorical Criticism     3 credit hours

Study of how to understand the consequences of persuasive communication, how to evaluate its quality, and how to be an effective agent of change.

SPCH 400 – The Teaching of Speech     3 credit hours

A methods course dealing with practical aspects of structuring and planning a speech-theatre program in the secondary schools.

SPCH 401 – Seminar: Special Topics     1-3 credit hours

Course work on a specific topic of communication designed by the teacher.
Total Credits Allowed: 15.00

SPCH 430 – Story Analysis: Investigating Myths and Narratives     3 credit hours

Storytelling is representative of the human experience itself. Through storytelling, we build communities, create shared values, facilitate empathy, and develop trust. Personal narratives allow us to share our experiences, connect with others, and convey nuanced meaning. While myths, those grand stories that have withstood the test of time, convey important values and lessons for living life. These communicative approaches play an important role in shaping society, culture, and individual experiences. Through analysis of such myths and narratives, we have opportunities to see ourselves within the role of actors, to derive meaning that can be applied in our own experiences, and to enhance our understanding of and connection with others.

SPCH 435 – Introduction to Health Communication     3 credit hours

This course will survey the most common areas of health communication, including patient-provider communication, interpersonal health communication, and health campaigns. We will cover the major theories and lines of inquiry in the field. We will also discuss case studies and ways to apply the material to real-life skills.

SPCH 445 – Diffusion of Innovations     3 credit hours

Diffusion of Innovations examines the adoption of innovations by individuals in a social system from the perspective of a communication based model. Examples of innovations include fashion trends, campaign slogans, communication technologies, hygiene practices, birth control, farming practices, hybrid powered automobiles, types of government rule (democracy) and genetically engineered foods. The diffusion phenomenon is examined emphasizing social and individual points of view. Class sessions are mostly based on lecture, with some discussion. Assessment tools include exams, case studies, and a final semester project. The final project will be presented to the class.

SPCH 450 – Language and Social Change     3 credit hours

The course introduces students to the role of information, communication and the media in development and social change. To put development into context, the course looks at theories in development and how these have influenced the different development communication approaches used at various times. Students will explore: the concept of participatory communication; global debates about development; the digital divide; development policy frameworks at the global, regional and national levels. Communication of issues pertinent to sustainable development will be addressed including environment, population, gender, poverty and conflict management.
Prerequisite: SPCH 252

SPCH 451 – Leadership Communication     3 credit hours

In today's dynamic, global work environment, leaders need to be able to communicate effectively with people located in the same geographical location or located anywhere across the globe. This course offers students an opportunity to evaluate and utilize numerous communication options to develop an authentic, powerful, leadership voice using interpersonal, technology-mediated, and intercultural communication competencies and techniques.

SPCH 452 – Advanced Organizational Communication     3 credit hours

This course will help us examine how communication works within the organizations that we belong to. We will explore what constitutes healthy organizations, how you can effectively lead and contribute to your organization, how to conduct analyses of organizations, how to effectively and efficiently communicate in organizations, and how to ethically work within your organizational culture. Experiential Learning
Prerequisite: SPCH 301

SPCH 453 – Interviewing     3 credit hours

Theories and techniques of interviewing, including information gathering, employment, appraisal and persuasive interviewing.

SPCH 454 – Intercultural Communication     3 credit hours

Study of communication across cultures.

SPCH 455 – Communication Training and Consulting     3 credit hours

A study of how to plan, conduct and evaluate communication training and development programs within the organization.

SPCH 456 – Rhetorical Theory     3 credit hours

This course provides an overview of the history, theory and practice of rhetoric from classical times to the contemporary. The course highlights key areas of controversy within rhetorical theory structured as a survey of theoretical agreements and disagreements for students to better appreciate what is at stake in rhetorical theory.

SPCH 459 – Communication Studies Senior Practicum     3 credit hours

The Senior Practicum is an Experiential Learning course. The Senior Practicum is intended to serve as a culminating experience for communication majors. Students will engage with unique content and assignments that allow them to integrate their experiences across different courses. Students will have the opportunity to apply their communication skills through the completion of a significant professional project, compilation of a professional portfolio, and participation in various class activities/discussions.
Prerequisite: Senior status as an Organizational and Relational Communication major or Communication Studies major

SPCH 460 – Independent Study and Research     1-4 credit hours

Investigation of selected problems or topics on an individual basis. Obtain form from the Department office.
Total Credits Allowed: 6.00

SPCH 475 – Internship     1-6 credit hours

In-depth study for advanced students through practical experience in the business and professional world in the area of speech communication.
Department Consent Required
Total Credits Allowed: 6.00

SPCH 499 – Communication Theory     3 credit hours

An overview of theory and major theorists in the field of communication.