Chemistry 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement, Bachelor of Science in Education

Offered by Department of Chemistry

General Studies
Foundational Requirements (LOPERs 1-4)14
LOPER 2: Writing Skills
Introduction to Academic Writing
LOPER 3: Oral Communication Skills
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
LOPER 4: Mathematics, Statistics, and Quantitative Reasoning
Calculus I with Analytic Geometry 1
Broad Knowledge Requirements (LOPERs 5-8)13
LOPER 7: Social Sciences
Introduction to American Politics
LOPER 8: Natural Sciences
Biology II
Dispositional Requirements (LOPERs 9-10) 26
LOPER 10: Respect for Human Diversity
Teaching in a Democratic Society
Program Specified Requirements3
Special Topics in Academic Writing and Research
Professional Sequence 3
Select 25 credit hours including the following:25
Instructional Technology and the Preservice Teacher
Reading and Inclusion in K-12 Classrooms
Management and Assessment in K-12/Secondary Classrooms
Field Experience in Secondary Classroom
Complete all required courses42-45
Unrestricted electives
Needed to reach 120 credit hour minimum17-14
Total Credit Hours120


Chemistry Subject Endorsement Requirements
CHEM 160General Chemistry3
CHEM 160LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory1
CHEM 161General Chemistry3
CHEM 161LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory1
CHEM 169Chemistry Foundations and Careers1
CHEM 301Analytical Chemistry3
CHEM 301LAnalytical Chemistry Lab1
CHEM 310Safety in Chemistry1
CHEM 351Biochemistry I4
CHEM 351LBiochemistry Lab1
CHEM 469Advanced Seminar in Chemistry1
CHEM 480Physical Chemistry3
or CHEM 482 Survey of Physical Chemistry
CHEM 490LAdvanced Chemistry Laboratory2
Select one of the following:5
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
and Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Lab
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Chemistry Subject Endorsement Other Science Requirements
Earth Science
PHYS 201Earth Science4
or GEOG 201 Earth Science
Fulfilled by General Studies requirements above.0
PHYS 205
General Physics I
and Physics I Laboratory
or PHYS 275
General Physics I (Calculus)
and General Physics I (Calculus) Laboratory
Chemistry Subject Endorsement Methodology Requirement
BIOL 471Methods in Secondary Science Teaching3
or PHYS 471 Methods in Secondary Science Teaching
Counseling Skills
Total Credit Hours42-45

Students without sufficient preparation will also need to take the following courses, increasing the total credit hours needed:


Designated courses with the appropriate content may be approved to satisfy one of the Broad Knowledge requirements plus LOPER 9 or Broad Knowledge plus LOPER 10. Courses may be approved to satisfy LOPER 9 or LOPER 10 alone. (Courses satisfying LOPER 9 or LOPER 10 alone must be 3 credit hours.) Students applying this option will need to take additional hours in other categories to meet the required GS hours.


Students must apply for admission to all Teacher Education programs

This document represents a sample 4-year plan for degree completion with this major. Actual course selection and sequence may vary and should be discussed individually with your academic advisor. Advisors can also help you plan other experiences to enrich your undergraduate education such as internships, education abroad, undergraduate research, learning communities, and service learning and community-based learning.

Semester 1
CHEM 160General Chemistry3
CHEM 160LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory1
TE 100Teaching in a Democratic Society3
PSCI 110Introduction to American Politics 13
LOPR 126First Year Seminar3
SPCH 100Fundamentals of Speech Communication3
Total Credit Hours16
Semester 2
CHEM 161General Chemistry3
CHEM 161LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory1
ENG 101Introduction to Academic Writing3
MATH 115Calculus I with Analytic Geometry5
PHYS 201Earth Science4
or GEOG 201 Earth Science
CHEM 169Chemistry Foundations and Careers1
Total Credit Hours17
Semester 3
CHEM 250Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry4
or CHEM 360 Organic Chemistry
CHEM 250LFundamentals of Organic Chemistry Lab1
or CHEM 360L Organic Chemistry Laboratory
ENG 102Special Topics in Academic Writing and Research3
LOPER 5: Visual or Performing Arts3
TE 204Growth & Development/Introduction to Exceptionalities4
Total Credit Hours15
Semester 4
BIOL 106Biology II4
CHEM 301Analytical Chemistry3
CHEM 301LAnalytical Chemistry Lab1
CHEM 310Safety in Chemistry1
TE 206Instructional Technology and the Preservice Teacher3
LOPER 6: Humanities3
Total Credit Hours15
Semester 5
CHEM 351Biochemistry I4
CHEM 351LBiochemistry Lab1
TE 306Reading and Inclusion in K-12 Classrooms2
PHYS 205General Physics I 24
PHYS 205LPhysics I Laboratory 21
CHEM 480Physical Chemistry3
or CHEM 482 Survey of Physical Chemistry
Total Credit Hours15
Semester 6
TE 319Management and Assessment in K-12/Secondary Classrooms2
TE 320Field Experience in Secondary Classroom2
Unrestricted Elective3
Unrestricted Elective3
Unrestricted Elective3
Unrestricted Elective3
Total Credit Hours16
Semester 7
CHEM 469Advanced Seminar in Chemistry1
CHEM 490LAdvanced Chemistry Laboratory3
PHYS 471Methods in Secondary Science Teaching3
or BIOL 471 Methods in Secondary Science Teaching
Unrestricted Elective3
Unrestricted Elective3
Total Credit Hours13
Semester 8
TE 400Student Teaching12
Total Credit Hours12

Some courses count for 2 LOPER Requirements, which reduces number of General Education courses needed. PSCI 110 counts for both LOPER 7 and LOPER 9. Course List Meeting 2 LOPER General Education Requirements can be found at: 


PHYS 275/PHYS 275L can be taken also. It is a spring only course.